Updated content

Below is a list of each page and the content wrote on it is, as you can see there is a lot less text on each page and the directions are also more clear:

Logo page


explain icons

worksheet page

Supervisor guide

Completion page – Amazing, you’ve completed every section


This section is about online awareness and what can happen with our information. You will work alone and then have a group discussion.

What you do

leaves footprints

In the old days it was like footprints in the sand and they     would vanish

In the digital world your footprints can now often be permanent

Which means they can be copied and shared

How do you keep information private in the real world?

How do you keep information private in the digital world?

Before you post anything online think..

What information do you want to share?

What information do you want to keep private?

Discuss with the group


This section is about being grateful for the things we have in our life. You will work alone on the app and also receive a worksheet to complete.

Type 1 thing in your life that makes you feel happy

Type 1 thing in your life that makes you feel supported

Type 1 thing in your life that makes you feel loved

Type 1 thing in your life that makes you feel encouraged

Type 1 thing in your life that makes you feel excited

Suggestion in corner – This could be anything like : People in your life Family or friends, Pets, Places you’ve visited, A memory, A conversation, Something your looking forward to in the future

Collect a worksheet and a selection of paints from the supervisor

Complete the instructions on the worksheet and upload a picture onto the app


This section is about social awareness and how interacting with people online can be different to interacting with someone in person. You will work in pairs, one partner will be online and one will be in person

List 3 compliments to send to the person in front of you

Suggestion in corner – Tell them why they are wonderful, what makes them unique and why you enjoy being around them

List 3 compliments to tell the person beside you

After both interactions

How did each person react?

Could the online receiver show their reaction over the iPad?

How did it make you feel to see the receivers reaction when you had a conversation?

When sending something online

think …

Could what you are sending get misinterpreted

Will the receiver understand without seeing your body language and expression?

Re – Wording

After feedback I looked at the whole app and re-worded a lot of the pages, I found that I needed to make it very clear for the user what exactly needed done. For example, one of the pages asked the user to “write” when really the user needed to “type”

Screen Shot 2017-03-25 at 02.32.55.png

I have also condensed the amount of information on a few pages, the below page has now been made into multiple pages. I felt this needed to be done to hold the users attention

Screen Shot 2017-03-25 at 02.35.14.png


One of the first things i needed to rectify with the new prototype was the miss shaped hexagons, to do this i used the below guides and grids, the full group of hexagons was then scaled to go right to the edges as i felt it was unfinished to have the points on the edge.

Screen Shot 2017-03-25 at 02.56.25.png

Typography Sizing

I researched on the apple website to find out if there was desired font sizes to use while creating an app. The below information was a good starting point but it was not what i needed.

Screen Shot 2017-03-24 at 19.31.37.png

After further research i decided to use a classic typographic scale and use font sizes 12, 24 and 48 which i think work very well

Screen Shot 2017-04-01 at 17.34.44.png